Specialty beds are comfortable, reliable, and have great support. Custom Mobility offers products by Pedicraft and SleepSafe, which can accommodate a variety of your positioning needs. Contact us for more information.

Pedicraft BedPedicraft

Our team can help you find the perfect bed for your child. Pedicare has an array of products that are safe and extremely reliable. Their sleep solutions are a perfect fit for children with disabilities.


Sleep Safe BedSleepSafe

When it’s time to unwind, SleepSafe has a number of models to choose from. Their products are versatile and have a variety of functions, including: adjustable height of the mattress’s top and bottom, manual and electric controls, and fold-down doors for ease of access.


Beds by George - HavenBeds by George - Haven

The Haven is a full mesh bed, featuring their mesh safety enclosure, which is removable and washable. The fabric is moisture-resistant and can even be tightened without disassembling the bed!



Cubby BedCubby Bed

In addition to the sensory canopy, the Cubby Bed offers a number of features to ensure your child’s comfort and safety. Padded walls and sheets zip and lock to guard against injury. Additional cameras, mics, and environmental sensors can also offer you peace of mind.