Our team can tailor both your WAV and wheelchair to fit your unique lifestyle....If you need assistive driving controls, can help you learn to drive with them. When all is said and done, we even deliver the finished product to you. It’s that simple. • Buy From Home • We know...
Having your own WAV will let you take your own children to school, go to doctor’s appointments, visit the grocery store, get to work, or even transport others with disabilities. It can reduce stress, making life safer for wheelchair users and caregivers alike.
Find your perfect conversion... Whether you're looking for that perfect...van, minivan, truck, or SUV, our accessible vehicle experts will find the most affordable and reliable option for you. We realize that your vehicle must meet your needs, while suiting your lifestyle. Without a wheelchair...
Here, you’ll find our WAV brochures in an easy to understand, downloadable...format. • • WAV Brochure • Custom Mobility offers a wide range of accessible vehicles to match your lifestyle, caregiver needs, and finances. Whether you’re looking for a side-...
Whether you are a wheelchair user who is looking to drive, or a caregiver...who is searching for transportation solutions, accessible vehicles open up a world of endless possibilities. Journey with us, as we take you through the many benefits of owning an accessible vehicle. • How-To Guide:...
We’ve mentioned, quite a few times, that having your own WAVs can...change your life. How can one vehicle be such a big deal? Well, don’t just take our word for it! Let’s hear from some of our valued customers, and see what they had to say: • Manyvonne Champavannarath...